MIL1 requirements
a. The selection of suppliers and other third parties includes consideration of their cybersecurity qualifications, at least in an ad hoc manner
b. The selection of products and services includes consideration of their cybersecurity capabilities, at least in an ad hoc manner
MIL2 requirements
c. A defined method is followed to identify cybersecurity requirements and implement associated controls that protect against the risks arising from suppliers and other third parties
d. A defined method is followed to evaluate and select suppliers and other third parties
e. More rigorous cybersecurity controls are implemented for higher priority suppliers and other third parties
f. Cybersecurity requirements (for example, vulnerability notification, incident-related SLA requirements) are formalized in agreements with suppliers and other third parties
g. Suppliers and other third parties periodically attest to their ability to meet cybersecurity requirements
MIL3 requirements
h. Cybersecurity requirements for suppliers and other third parties include secure software and secure product development requirements where appropriate
i. Selection criteria for products include consideration of end-of-life and end-of-support timelines
j. Selection criteria include consideration of safeguards against counterfeit or compromised software, hardware, and services
k. Selection criteria for higher priority assets include evaluation of bills of material for key asset elements, such as hardware and software
l. Selection criteria for higher priority assets include evaluation of any associated third-party hosting environments and source data
m. Acceptance testing of procured assets includes consideration of cybersecurity requirements
Aina hankittaessa uusia tietojärjestelmiä noudatetaan ennalta määriteltyä hankintaprosessia ja -sääntöjä. Sääntöjen avulla varmistetaan, että toimittaja pystyy takaamaan riittävän turvallisuustason järjestelmän tärkeys huomioiden.
Organisaatio on määritellyt tärkeiltä kumppaneilta vaaditut sertifioinnit tai noudatettavat standardit. Yleisesti tunnistettuja digiturvaan liittyviä standardeja ovat mm.:
Esimerkiksi kumppanilta vaadittava sertifiointi voi tehostaa omaa kumppanihallintaa ja toimia hyvänä todisteena kumppanin tietystä tietoturva- tai tietosuojatasosta.
Digiturvamallissa kaikki vaatimuskehikkojen vaatimukset kohdistetaan universaaleihin tietoturvatehtäviin, jotta voitte muodostaa yksittäisen suunnitelman, joka täyttää ison kasan vaatimuksia.