MIL1 requirements
a. The organization has a strategy for cybersecurity architecture, which may be developed and managed in an ad hoc manner
MIL2 requirements
b. A strategy for cybersecurity architecture is established and maintained in alignment with the organization’s cybersecurity program strategy (PROGRAM-1b) and enterprise architecture
c. A documented cybersecurity architecture is established and maintained that includes IT and OT systems and networks and aligns with system and asset categorization and prioritization
d. Governance for cybersecurity architecture (such as an architecture review process) is established and maintained that includes provisions for periodic architectural reviews and an exceptions process
e. Senior management sponsorship for the cybersecurity architecture program is visible and active
f. The cybersecurity architecture establishes and maintains cybersecurity requirements for the organization’s assets
g. Cybersecurity controls are selected and implemented to meet cybersecurity requirements
MIL3 requirements
h. The cybersecurity architecture strategy and program are aligned with the organization’s enterprise architecture strategy and program
i. Conformance of the organization’s systems and networks to the cybersecurity architecture is evaluated periodically and according to defined triggers, such as system changes and external events
j. The cybersecurity architecture is guided by the organization’s risk analysis information (RISK-3d) and threat profile (THREAT-2e)
k. The cybersecurity architecture addresses predefined states of operation (SITUATION-3g)
Organisaatiolla on oltava strategia kyberturvallisuusarkkitehtuurin kehittämiselle ja ylläpidolle.
Strategian on sovittava yhteen organisaation kyberturvallisuusohjelman ja organisaation arkkitehtuurin kanssa.
Arkkitehtuuriin on sisällytettävä:
Digiturvamallissa kaikki vaatimuskehikkojen vaatimukset kohdistetaan universaaleihin tietoturvatehtäviin, jotta voitte muodostaa yksittäisen suunnitelman, joka täyttää ison kasan vaatimuksia.