Organisaation on määriteltävä alueen pääsyoikeuksien ja avainhallinnan menettelyt ja roolit.
The organisation must define procedures and roles for access rights and key management in the area. Access to the area can be restricted either mechanically, electronically or based on personal identification. A responsible person shall be appointed for the area to manage the access rights and key management procedures. Spare keys for the area shall be stored securely and locked in a sealed storage envelope with a date of closure and receipt or, alternatively, in a key cabinet connected to an access control system. Keys shall be handed over in connection with the job and against receipt. The procedure is described in the security management guidelines. Access to the area is not permitted with a master key suitable for a lower level facility.
A responsible person has been appointed to ensure the following access rights and key management procedures are in place.
Avaustunnisteet annetaan mahdollisimman harvoille henkilöille ja henkilöt osaavat numeroyhdistelmät ulkoa.
Digiturvamallissa kaikki vaatimuskehikkojen vaatimukset kohdistetaan universaaleihin tietoturvatehtäviin, jotta voitte muodostaa yksittäisen suunnitelman, joka täyttää ison kasan vaatimuksia.