DORA simplified RMF
Article 41: Format and content of the report on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework

Vaatimuksen kuvaus

1. The financial entities referred to in Article 16(1) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 shall submit the report on the review of the ICT risk management framework referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article in a searchable electronic format.

2. The report referred to in paragraph 1 shall contain all of the following information:

(a) an introductory section providing:

(i) a description of the context of the report in terms of the nature, scale, and complexity of the financial entity’s services, activities, and operations, the financial entity’s organisation, identified critical functions, strategy, major ongoing projects or activities, and relationships, and the financial entity’s dependence on in-house and outsourced ICT services and systems, or the implications that a total loss or severe degradation of such systems would have on critical or important functions and market efficiency;

(ii) an executive level summary of the current and near-term ICT risk identified, threat landscape, the assessed effectiveness of its controls, and the security posture of the financial entity;

(iii) information about the reported area;

(iv) a summary of the major changes in the ICT risk management framework since the previous report;

(v) a summary and a description of the impact of major changes to the simplified ICT risk management framework since the previous report;

(b) where applicable, the date of the approval of the report by the management body of the financial entity;

(c) a description of the reasons for the review, including:

(i) where the review has been initiated following supervisory instructions, evidence of such instructions;

(ii) where the review has been initiated following the occurrence of ICT-related incidents, the list of all those ICT-related incidents with related incident root-cause analysis;

(d) the start and end date of the review period;

(e) the person responsible for the review;

(f) a summary of findings, and a self-assessment of the severity of the weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps identified in ICT risk management framework for the review period, including a detailed analysis thereof;

(g) remedying measures identified to address weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps in the simplified ICT risk management framework, and the expected date for implementing those measures, including the follow-up on weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps identified in previous reports, where those weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps have not yet been remedied;

(h) overall conclusions on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework, including any further planned developments.

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DORA simplified RMF

Article 41: Format and content of the report on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework

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Review reporting of simplified ICT risk management framework

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Riskien hallinta ja johtaminen
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Article 41: Format and content of the report on the review of the simplified ICT risk management framework
DORA simplified RMF
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Review reporting of simplified ICT risk management framework
1. Tehtävän vaatimuskuvaus

The organization must submit the report on the review of ICT risk management framework in searchable electronic format. It must include:


Description of the financial entity’s context, including:

  • Nature, scale, and complexity of services, activities, and operations.
  • Organization structure and identified critical functions.
  • Strategy and major ongoing projects or activities.
  • Relationships and dependence on in-house and outsourced ICT services.
  • Implications of a total loss or severe degradation of ICT systems on critical functions and market efficiency.

Executive Level Summary:

  • Summarize the current and near-term ICT risks identified.
  • Discuss the threat landscape and the assessed effectiveness of controls.
  • Outline the financial entity’s security posture.

Reported Area Information:

  • Provide specific details about the focus of the report.

Changes in ICT Risk Management Framework:

  • Summarize major changes since the previous report.
  • Describe the impact of these changes on the simplified ICT risk management framework.

Approval Date:

  • If applicable, mention the date the management body approved the report.

Reason for Review:

  • Explain why the review was undertaken, including:
  • Any supervisory instructions, with evidence attached.
  • Occurrence of ICT-related incidents and list them with root-cause analysis.

Review information:

  • Include the start and end date of the review period.
  • Identify the person responsible for conducting the review.
  • Provide a summary and self-assessment of weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps in the ICT risk management framework.
  • Include a detailed analysis of these findings.

Remedying Measures:

  • List the measures identified to address weaknesses, deficiencies, and gaps.
  • Include expected dates for implementing measures.
  • Follow up on unresolved issues from previous reports.

Conclude the review, including further planned developments for the ICT risk managemen

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