DORA simplified RMF
Article 28: Governance and organization

Vaatimuksen kuvaus

1. The financial entities referred to in Article 16(1) of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 shall have in place an internal governance and control framework that ensures an effective and prudent management of ICT risk to achieve a high level of digital operational resilience.

2. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall, as part of their simplified ICT risk management framework, ensure that their management body:

(a) bears the overall responsibility for ensuring that the simplified ICT risk management framework allows for the achievement of the financial entity’s business strategy in accordance with the risk appetite of that financial entity, and ensures that ICT risk is considered in that context;

(b) sets clear roles and responsibilities for all ICT-related tasks;

(c) sets out information security objectives and ICT requirements;

(d) approves, oversees, and periodically reviews:

(i) the classification of information assets of the financial entity as referred to in Article 30(1) of this Regulation, the list of main risks identified, and the business impact analysis and related policies;

(ii) the business continuity plans of the financial entity, and the response and recovery measures referred to in Article 16(1), point (f), of Regulation (EU) 2022/2554;

(e) allocates and reviews at least once a year the budget necessary to fulfil the financial entity’s digital operational resilience needs in respect of all types of resources, including relevant ICT security awareness programmes and digital operational resilience training and ICT skills for all staff;

(f) specifies and implements the policies and measures included in Chapters I, II and III of this Title to identify, assess and manage the ICT risk the financial entity is exposed to;

(g) identifies and implements procedures, ICT protocols, and tools that are necessary to protect all information assets and ICT assets;

(h) ensures that the staff of the financial entity is kept up to date with sufficient knowledge and skills to understand and assess ICT risk and its impact on the operations of the financial entity, commensurate to the ICT risk being managed;

(i) establishes reporting arrangements, including the frequency, form, and content of reporting to the management body on the information security and digital operational resilience.

3. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 may, in accordance with Union and national sectoral law, outsource the tasks of verifying compliance with ICT risk management requirements to ICT intra-group or ICT third-party service providers. In case of such outsourcing, financial entities shall remain fully responsible for the verification of compliance with the ICT risk management requirements.

4. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall ensure an appropriate segregation and the independence of control functions and internal audit functions.

5. The financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall ensure that their simplified ICT risk management framework is subject to an internal audit by auditors, in line with the financial entities’ audit plan. The auditors shall have sufficient knowledge, skills, and expertise in ICT risk, and shall be independent. The frequency and focus of ICT audits shall be commensurate to the ICT risk of the financial entity.

6. Based on the outcome of the audit referred to in paragraph 5, the financial entities referred to in paragraph 1 shall ensure the timely verification and remediation of critical ICT audit findings.

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DORA simplified RMF

Article 28: Governance and organization

Tehtävän nimi
Muut vaatimukset

Auditing of risk management framework

Täysin tehty
Pääosin tehty
Osin tehty
Riskien hallinta ja johtaminen
Digiturvan johtaminen
Esimerkkejä muista vaatimuksista, joita tämä tehtävä toteuttaa
Article 28: Governance and organization
DORA simplified RMF
Näe kaikki liittyvät vaatimukset ja muuta tietoa tehtävän omalta sivulta.
Siirry kohtaan >
Auditing of risk management framework
1. Tehtävän vaatimuskuvaus

The organization must ensure that internal auditing has sufficient segregation and independence from control functions.

The simplified ICT risk management framework is subject to an internal audit in line with the organization's audit plans. The auditor needs to have sufficient competence and independence. The frequency and scope of audits should be based on the ICT risk of the organization.

Based on the outcome of the audit the organization must ensure timely verification and remediation of the critical audit findings.

Creation and maintenance of governance and control framework

Täysin tehty
Pääosin tehty
Osin tehty
Riskien hallinta ja johtaminen
Digiturvan johtaminen
Esimerkkejä muista vaatimuksista, joita tämä tehtävä toteuttaa
Article 28: Governance and organization
DORA simplified RMF
Näe kaikki liittyvät vaatimukset ja muuta tietoa tehtävän omalta sivulta.
Siirry kohtaan >
Creation and maintenance of governance and control framework
1. Tehtävän vaatimuskuvaus

The organization must have in place an internal governance and control framework to ensure effective management of ICT risk and achieve high level of digital operational resilience.

The management body must:

  • bear overall responsibility and make sure the simplified ICT risk management framework allows achievement of business strategy in accordance to risk appetite of the organization.
  • Set clear roles and responsibilities for all ICT related tasks
  • Set information security objectives and ICT requirements
  • Approve, oversee and periodically review the classification of information assets as referred to in Article 30(1) of the regulation
  • Approve, oversee and periodically review the list of main risks identified, business impact and related policies
  • Allocate and review yearly the budget necessary to fulfil the needs to achieve the digital operational reselience. This needs to take into account all possible resourced needed.
  • Specify and implement the policies and measures included in chapter I, II, and III
  • Identifies and implements procedures, tools and protocols to protect all information and ICT assets
  • Ensure the sufficient knowledge and skills of the organization's staff to understand and asses ICT risk
  • Establish reporting arrangements such as frequency, form, and content

Politiikkaan sisältyviä tietoturvatehtäviä

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Autamme täyttämään vaatimukset tehokkaasti Universal cyber compliance language -teknologialla

Digiturvamallissa kaikki vaatimuskehikkojen vaatimukset kohdistetaan universaaleihin tietoturvatehtäviin, jotta voitte muodostaa yksittäisen suunnitelman, joka täyttää ison kasan vaatimuksia.

Tietoturvakehikoilla on yleensä yhteinen ydin. Kaikki kehikot kattavat perusaiheita, kuten riskienhallinnan, varmuuskopioinnin, haittaohjelmat, henkilöstön tietoisuuden tai käyttöoikeuksien hallinnan omissa osioissaan.
Digiturvamallin "universal cyber compliance language" -teknologia luo teille yksittäisen suunnitelman ja varmistaa, että kehikkojen yhteiset osat tehdään vain kerran. Te voitte keskittyä suunnitelman toteuttamiseen, me automatisoimme compliance-osan - nykyisiä ja tulevia vaatimuksia päin.
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Aloita ilmainen kokeilu
Digiturvamallin avulla rakennat tietoturvallisen ja halutut vaatimukset täyttävän organisaation. Halusitko kehittää tietoturvan hallintaa yleisesti, raportoida omasta NIS2-valmiudesta tai hankkia ISO 27001 -sertifioinnin, Digiturvamalli yksinkertaistaa koko prosessia.
AI-pohjaiset parannussuositukset ja käyttäjäystävällinen työkalu varmistavat, että organisaationne voi olla luottavainen vaatimusten täyttymisestä ja keskittyä oman tietoturvan jatkuvaan parantamiseen.
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Uskottavat raportit todisteiksi hyvästä tietoturvasta
Etene tehtävien avulla varmistaaksesi turvallisen toiminnan. Luo ammattimaisia ​​raportteja muutamalla napsautuksella.
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